The Media Officer at World Health Organization confirms, during her visit to Shafaqa Foundation' on the Importance of supporting renal failure &cancer patients

The Media Officer at World Health Organization confirms, during her visit to Shafaqa Foundation' on the Importance of supporting renal failure &cancer patients

The media officer at WHO Teffany Christine and risk communication officer Dr Sufian Al-Mathani paid a visit to Al-Shafaqa Foundation.

They, during the visit, met with the inmates of renal failure & cancer patients living in the Foundation. They listened to the sufferings and requirements of the patients who are housing in Al-Shafaqa Foundation Residence. It is worth mentioning that there are 185 inmates male and female patients living inside the Foundation resistance.

In a statement made to the press Mr. Christine said " Al-Shafaqa Foundation presents great humanitarian message representing in its provision of distinguished social and health care for renal failure & cancer patients. During my visit to Al-Shafaqa Foundation I listened to the patients and officers in charge and I really get pleased to the Foundation and its humanitarian message proficiently offered for the patients though conditions encircle it in particular and Yemen in general. Therefore, we have to support them with food, medicine and other necessities by which we alleviate the patients sufferings."

The Director of Al-Shafaqa Foundation, Wathek Sultan, appreciates this humanitarian visit made by WHO and its media officer. He also thanked Dr Sufian Al-Mathani who played an excellent role in the successful of this visit which will be resulted through supporting renal failure & cancer patients living inside and outside the Foundation whose numbers are frighteningly increase.
" I am so glad of the Foundation's partnership with WHO and other organizations that support the Foundation's patients with all requirements and various social and health services." Mr Wathek added.The media officer at WHO was received by Director of Al-Shafaqa Foundation Mr Wathek Sultan and Head of Health Services at the Foundation Dr. Walked Al- Mehmdi